
Market Watch: June 2024

Market Watch

As we pass the mid-year mark, financial markets remain in solid shape, bolstered by a resilient economy, slowing inflation, and early signs of central bank easing. The S&P 500 experienced a significant…

Market Watch: May 2024

Market Watch

The economic disparity between the U.S. and Canada persisted throughout May. Inflation in the U.S. remains persistently elevated, but recent indicators suggest a potential cooling trend. However…

Market Watch: April 2024

Market Watch

April presented a challenging landscape for financial markets in both the United States and Canada, each facing distinct economic pressures. In the U.S., financial markets experienced a significant downturn…

Market Watch: March 2024

Market Watch

As the first quarter of 2024 concluded, the financial markets demonstrated resilience amidst cautious optimism and economic complexities. March showcased divergent inflation trends, with the…

Market Watch: February 2024

Market Watch

With the close of February just behind us, the financial landscape for the rest of 2024 is being closely monitored and analyzed. The year kicked off with predictions of up to six Federal Reserve rate cuts…

Market Watch: January 2024

Market Watch

As the first month of 2024 ended, the US economy, bolstered by the Federal Reserve’s December 2023 meeting, defied expectations with robust economic indicators. Despite a slowdown from the…


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